S21 Appstudio التطبيقات

ZOHIB messenger 2.0.65
S21 Appstudio
ZOHIB is a cross platform messaging app withunlimited group member capability. It’s SIMPLE &LIMITLESS.NEW FEATURES (see below for details)- Dual Registration Mode- Fun Stickers- Secured Chat- Message Withdrawal- CommunityGENERAL DESCRIPTIONZohib keeps you connected with your friends through instant chats,groups, communities, channels, picture/video sharing, documenttransfer, multimedia broadcast and many more, while at the sametime getting rewarded from the ads viewed by users.ZOHIB CONTACTSFilling up your zohib contacts is also straight forward.First of all, you get to pick your preferred, easy to remember,Zohib-ID. You may use your Zohib-ID to inform your friends withoutdisclosing your phone number, your friends will then invite youthrough your Zohib-ID. Vice versa, you may also invite your friendsto be your zohib contact using their Zohib-ID.Alternatively, Your zohib contacts will also be generatedautomatically by your phonebook contact syncronization (everyoneusing zohib in your phonebook will automatically be sent an invitefrom you. If your number exists in their phonebook, your invitewill automatically be approved. And vice versa).Perfect combination of privacy and flexibility of managing yourcontacts. No more funny, difficult to remember number of Identity /PIN.MESSAGE DELIVERY CONFIRMATIONZohib gives you indications when messages have been sent (S's,delivered (D's) and read (R's) and also the last online time ofyour contacts.MESSAGE WITHDRAWAL (new)You may withdraw any messages (text or image) that you have sent inprivate chat. After withdrawal, the recipient will not be able tosee any trace of the withdrawn message.GROUPYou can create group chats with unlimited people (depending on yourdevice) so you can stay connected with everyone at once. Plus, youcan share videos, send multiple photos from the web, and forwardany media you receive in an instant. All your messages are in thecloud, so you can easily access them from any of your devices. Thegroup owner will be able to assign multiple admin and to hostunlimited number of members.CHANNEL (upcoming feature)Channel is provided for official communication means. User maycreate channel and will be verified by zohib. User may opt for thechannels to be displayed and then receive channel messages .Corporations, Artists, Individuals may use this channels forvarious purposes such as promotions, customer services and manyother purposes. Any messages from users will be auto responded byrandom predefined answers from Channel Owner.COMMUNITIESThis is similar to Group Feature, with following differences:- Each community group will have a "Community ID" as desired byCommunity Owner.- user may request join by "Community ID". Alternatively, user mayjoin through similar way as in Group Feature.- Single owner, multiple admin, unlimited members.BROADCASTYou may also broadcast text messages as well as pictures, video andlocations to multiple Zohib Contacts at once. You do not have evento recreate the list to do the next broadcast, while modifying thelist is always possible.UPCOMING FEATURESWe will be updating Zohib weekly (at least) to enrich Zohib withmuch more features that will fulfill your communication needs oreven provide you with some features that you have never imaginedbefore.PLATFORM AVAILABILITYAvailable today on Android Platform and Blackberry10 Platform. IOSversion will be released very soon.For Blackberry10 user, please download herehttp://appworld.blackberry.com/webstore/content/55353891
S21 Appstudio
Zeebrow is fast web browser that focusesonsecurity, and efficiency. It uses material design, doesn'ttrackyou, give you lots of options to protect your privacy.● Speed - By optimizing options using WebKit for renderingenginethat comes built into your Android device.● Design - Multi tabs and Bookmark.● Privacy - Support Orbot/TOR proxy for anonymous browsing.UseIncognito Mode to browse if you want more privacy withoutleaving afootprint.● Features - Search Suggestions, Bookmarks, History, UserAgents,Reading Mode, Ad Block, Images Block and UnlimitedTabs.
Bioskop Kita 1.0.3
S21 Appstudio
Bioskop Kita present videosfromIndonesian/local directors with high dedication to promotetheirmovies to international.
Zooomail 1.1.3
S21 Appstudio
Zooomail is a free e-mail client withsupportmulti account in single app.Support IMAP, POP3 and Exchange 2003/2007 (with WebDAV). Itcansearch with IMAP push email, multi-foldersynchronization,flagging, signatures, Bcc, PGP, export & importaccount forbackup/restore email configuration.